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About U-Report
U-Report is a tool that uses social media and free SMS to promote Basotho adolescents and youth participation, designed to address issued that they care about. Through SMS, Facebook and Twitter, boys and girls can report different problems in their communities, access safe information and connect with a global and local community of U-Reporters. The project was developed by innovation office from Kenya and it is now operating in more than 20 countries in African Continent. In Lesotho, we will be working with sexual and reproductive health, specially the prevention of HIV. U-Report is a secure place, where adolescents will be able to anonymously inform concerns, provide data and be engage in several campaigns of their interest. Voluntarily they can serv as community members, as U-Reporters on a free entry, free exit basis to speak-out on what is happening in their communities and amplify their voices nationally. U-Report aims to engage youth to work for change in their localities and connecting the distinct realities they face!
See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.